Gagan Saksena

Random thoughts about life, game theory, entrepreneurship and poker.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Marketing Farce

Before I started the MBA program I had an established bias of how all marketing was a load of crap... Wharton's classes changed a whole lot of that perspective for me. For starters- the whole analytical aspect of marketing caught my attention, and as did the behavioral sciences element of it. I saw that if you put aside the bias, there are fascinating principles, observations and statistics that challenge our current understanding of how well we know and understand the human mind- as a participant, as a consumer and as our customer. There is much work to be done ahead- specially as we start factoring the social interactions into our models. (Something that my current company is exploring)

And then I attend Social Media Strategies Conference. And this is where I circle back to why marketing gets the bad name. A "marketing expert" speaker here claims "over 15 years of online marketing experience"- now that puts him pre-1993 days. Wow. No wonder people like me develop opinions like mine about marketing :-/

Maybe Wharton just made me pay more attention to numbers then ever before. Gee thanks! :-)

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At October 30, 2008 at 2:14 PM , Blogger Mike W said...

Maybe the "expert" had some super-secret marketing gig at DARPA. ;)

Like you, I always held a dubious view of Marketing, but changed my mind a bit when I met some "good" Marketing folks. They tend to approach the discipline from a more analytical perspective, basing their decisions on hard data. Unfortunately, these people seem to be in the minority.


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